饾棪饾棬饾棩饾棧饾棩饾棞饾棪饾棙! 饾棢饾棶饾槅饾棽饾椏饾棽饾棻 饾棩饾棽饾棶饾椆饾椂饾榿饾槅 饾棧饾椏饾椉饾棻饾槀饾棸饾榿饾椂饾椉饾椈饾榾 饾椏饾棽饾槂饾棽饾棶饾椆饾榾 饾椈饾棽饾槃 饾椀饾椉饾槀饾榾饾棽饾榾饾榿饾槅饾椆饾棽 饾棶饾椈饾棻 饾槃饾棽饾棷饾榾饾椂饾榿饾棽 饾棻饾棽饾榾饾椂饾棿饾椈!

LRP new website post

With a new year and new adventures awaiting us, we here at LRP are now happy to unleash a freshened up housestyle and website on all of you!

We will spare you the arduous technical details, but after a bit of a shock late 2023 on the technical website front, we were forced to redo the entire website. But instead of trying to remake the old site again, we decided that THIS was the time to create something fresh and new that is ready for the future. And next to that we restyled our logo and overall visual identity as well to fit our current sensibilities.

So, we are now ready for 2024 and we can promise you that a lot of new exciting things are coming up soon. And this is not “young band hyperbole energy” because some of this will actually happen THIS WEEK.

Stay tuned!